Monthly Archives: October 2021
Meet The Team – Avril
AVRIL BARRETT MSc, BSc Physio, MISCP. Avril graduated from UCD with an … Continue reading
Tech Neck
There has been a recent increase in presentation of neck and back pain due to overuse of mobile devices. I first encountered this type of pain a few years ago when a gentleman came into the clinic in January with … Continue reading
Rotator Cuff Injuries
The rotator cuff is a term for a collection of small muscles located around your shoulder blade which insert onto the top of the arm. They help move and stabilise your shoulder joint. These muscles come together to form a … Continue reading
What is a muscle tear, strain or pull?
At Motion Physio Clinic we treat many soft tissue injuries. These refer to injuries of the muscles, tendons (which attach muscle to bone), ligaments (which attach bone to bone) and nerves. A muscle tear, strain or pull refers to damage … Continue reading
The Pilates technique was originally created by Joseph Pilates in the early 1900’s, and it remains one of the most popular movement techniques in the world today. The principals of Pilates are breath, centering, control, precision and routine, they make it one of the best exercise … Continue reading
Physiotherapy & care of your neck
Most people can expect to experience some neck pain in their lifetime. It is not always possible to identify the exact cause of neck pain but 99% of the time it is not serious and for the majority of … Continue reading
Neck Headaches
Neck Headaches or Cervicogenic Headache, is when your headache is caused by a neck joint problem. Your neck headache can come from different areas in the neck, including the upper neck joints, upper neck discs and neck muscles. Your neck and … Continue reading
Walking for Health
There are now health recommendations that being active for 30mins 5 days a week has health benefits. If you are already active and attend activities during the week, try to walk on the other days. If you suffer from health … Continue reading
Whiplash is quite a commonly seen injury at Motion Physio Clinic, Prosperous. It occurs due to a sudden acceleration and deceleration of the neck causing rapid movement of the body. It is usually due to a motor vehicle accident, but … Continue reading
Achilles Tendonitis
The achilles tendon is located at the back of the ankle joint. This tendon is a fibrous band that is at the end of each of our muscles to attach them to a bone. In the case of the achilles … Continue reading